Showing posts with label vampires. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vampires. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

VAMPIRE KNIGHT by Matsuri Hino

MANGA (mahng-guh): A Japanese comic book or graphic novel.

So obviously, this isn't a book review.  Vampire Knight was actually one of the first mangas I read, and I decided to do a post about it because, well, it deserves its own post J  Great characters aren't only found in books after all, and a great story is a great story no matter what medium is used to tell it.

The plot is simple yet intriguing.  Two groups attend Cross Academy, the Day Class and the Night Class.  They don't attend classes together, aren't supposed to interact (and for a very good reason).  There's even a disciplinary committee to keep the two student groups apart.  When day changes to night, Yuki Cross and Zero Kiryu are there to ensure everything flows smoothly.  While the Day Class fawns over the Night Class, clamoring for attention like a pack of rowdy fan girls--totally ignorant of the danger which lies behind those beautiful faces and the cool air of sophistication--Yuki and Zero remain vigilant, guardians of their unsuspecting peers.

They know the truth, the deep dark secret that must be kept from the Day Class at all costs: The Night Class is entirely made up of vampires.

What made this story so interesting (besides the awesome plot and beautiful artwork) and worth the time it took to figure out the format (Tip: Mangas are read from back cover to front, right to left, a detail which threw this ninja for quite a loop;)) was the Yuki/Zero/Kaname dynamic.

Kaname Kuran, head of the Night Class, saved Yuki's life when she was nearly attacked by a Level E vamp back when she was a little girl.  The Vampire Knight mythos might be a little too heavy for this post, so let's just say, Level E = Crazy/Insane vamp mad with bloodlust.

Zero's parents, well-known vampire hunters, were slaughtered in a vampire attack which left Zero scarred and an orphan.  As a young boy, he was taken in by the headmaster of Cross Academy and raised alongside Yuki.

Kaname = class, status and restrained emotion.

Zero = sarcasm, rash decisions and a tortured soul.

Now, can you guess who I was rooting for??? J

There's so much more to say about this one, but I'd recommend it for all the reasons I just listed.  The triangle was one of the best I've read (mainly b/c I was so sure she was going to pick Kaname, but I desperately wanted her to pick Zero.  Hmmm, is anyone sensing a trend??).  If you aren't into manga, you might want to check out the anime.  It only ran for two seasons (and ended in a pretty craptastic way if you ask me), but it's worth a look.  Here's hoping you enjoy the Yuki/Zero/Kaname love triangle as much as I did.

Truth: Yuki + Zero = <3

Ninja Girl