I had a very nice surprise today after a tough rejection on my full ms from a very cool, very kind agent (ah, the life and times of an aspiring author). But anywho, Sinn over at Sinnful Books has nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award!!! How awesome is that? If I could, I'd give her 10 ninja throwing stars in honor of her kindness and perfect timing J Thanks so much Sinn, and if you ever need a pick-me-up, let me know. I owe you one ;)
Now onto the requirements I must fulfill to get the award: 1) Write seven random facts about yourself and 2) Nominate five other bloggers for the award. So, the seven things is going to be easy peasy, but picking 5 out of the spectacular batch of bloggers I've found?? Now, that's a toughy.
7 Random Things About Me:
1) I love period dramas!!! (Mr. Thornton is my main regency crush, but I'd take Darcy if he knocked on my door. Wouldn't say no to Wentworth either, for that matter J)
2) My number one, all-time, favorite favorite sports team is Duke. I'm usually all about the underdogs, but…oh well. Go Blue Devils!!
3) I was born and raised in the South but have been told by several people that I have absolutely no discernible accent. But that's probably just b/c most of them had never seen me angry lol.
4) Harry Potter rocks, and I'm seriously hoping/praying that David Yates doesn't screw up this last movie
5) My favorite color is Tiffany Blue (very hoity-toity I know; though, I've never owned a piece of jewelry from the store. A ninja can dream, right?)
6) I used to dream of being one of Janet Jackson's back-up dancers…but I'm certain I'm not the only twenty-something to claim that one
7) I have no idea what I want to do with my life, which scares me daily. But I'm working on it J
And here are 5 Versatile Bloggers you simply must check out:
1) Parajunkee at Parajunkee's View (need I say more? ;))
2) Evie at Paromantasy (a very cool chick with a very cool blog about all things fangy, furry and fantastical)
3) Sinn at Sinnful Books (she's got a beautiful blog, poses thoughtful questions and posts great reviews)
4) Colleen at Metro Girl Writes (great poetry and an all-around awesome lady)
5) Sarah at Falen Formulates Fiction (another great woman/writer with interesting posts and thoughts on the publishing process)
Well, that's it! Hope you all take a peek at these great blogs, and thank you again Sinn for the nomination. Made my day J
Ninja Girl