Thursday, May 16, 2013


Hi all!  I don't do writing posts that often--mainly b/c this is a book review blog J.  Plus, there are more comprehensive posts by publishing industry experts, literary agents, editors and writers, who've covered everything there is to know about writing.  But I'm a big fan of lists, and I've learned a few things about the publishing process, so...

Here are a few quick definitions for any new authors (or any bloggers who're curious :-D).


MS = manuscript (i.e. the story you've written)

WIP = work-in-progress (i.e. the story you are still in the process of writing)

MC = main character

Word count = the number of words that are in your novel

Genre = the type of book you've written (i.e. fantasy, contemporary, mystery, horror etc.)

Audience = the target market for your book (i.e. middle grade (MG), young adult (YA), new adult (NA), adult etc.) 

Hook = concise, compelling description of your book, usually about 1-2 sentences (also may be called the "elevator pitch")

Query = letter containing all the particulars about your book, usually includes the hook, a short summary, word count, genre, target audience, and a couple sentences about the author

Synopsis = short summary of your book that tells all of the main plot points from beginning to end (longer than a query, usually only a few pages (unless it's a 1-page synopsis which another beast altogether J))
Form R = form rejection of your MS
Personalized R = rejection where the agent (or editor) says "why" your book wasn't right for them
Partial = request for a small portion of your book (i.e. first 3 chapters, 50 pages, 100 pages etc.)

Full = request for your complete MS

R & R = Revise & Resubmit; when an agent leaves the door opent to resubmit an MS after significant revision

Literary Agent = the person who represents you and your book and tries to sell it to an editor

Editor = the person who edits your book and works for a publisher

Publisher = the company that publishes, produces, and markets your book

Submission = the process of submitting to editors/publishers (aka "on sub")

Traditionally published = being published through traditional means (i.e. selling your MS to a publisher who then turns your story into an actual book and markets it to readers)

Self-published = publishing a book yourself (where the author assumes the role as their own publisher) and = the two sites any newbie writer should join.  Immediately!!

Obviously, this is not a comprehensive list.  There's a ton I still need to learn about publishing--and I can't wait!  I knew absolutely nothing when I started out, so I hope this helps someone :-).

Have a great week!

Ninja Girl

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