Tuesday, November 26, 2013



This is my first Top Ten Tuesday post!  It's a great topic and not just because Thanksgiving is right around the corner.  I have so many reasons to be thankful :-).  In no particular order, here are the Top Ten Things I'm Most Thankful For:

1.  My loved ones -- This includes my amazing family, friends and everyone who makes my life better just by being in it.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

2.  My job(s) -- I'm so fortunate to be able to love what I do and to do what I love.  My jobs as a dance teacher and writer are absolutely the best professions in the world.  Wouldn't trade them for anything.

3.  Eleanor & Park -- The best book.  It changed my life, broke my heart, put it back together again, and made me feel so much.  I'm thankful for the depth of raw emotion and to Rainbow Rowell for having the lady balls to put it all down on paper.

4.  The Ideas -- I don't know where they come from, but whether it be new choreography or a new story, I am so, SO grateful.

5.  Music -- Makes life worth living.  I <3 great music.

6.  People who hold the door open for the person behind them -- Politeness...always appreciated.

7.  J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter -- Two of my most favorite people, one b/c she opened my eyes to the world of books, the other b/c he made that world such a fantastic place to be :).

8.  Catching Fire -- Book or movie form, I'm just glad it exists!

9.  Richard Armitage -- Again, dwarf or human doesn't matter.  Yes, just yes.

10.  Warm socks on a cold night.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Ninja Girl


  1. So happy to see that we both have Harry Potter on our lists and I love that you have Eleanor and Park as well. I better read that one soon! Aw, and warm socks on a cold night- how thoughtful and true. Beautiful list!

    Thank you for sharing and thank you for stopping by my post earlier.

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  2. I too am thankful for Harry Potter... life wouldn't be the same without those books.

  3. I am also thankful for Harry Potter. Without it, I wouldn't be a reader and I wouldn't aspire to be a writer someday. Also, yes to socks!

  4. I love your list! A great mix of fun and serious things :) Glad to see you're a fellow Richard Armitage lover! Have you seen him in Robin Hood? So hard to dislike the bad guy when he's so awesome...

    1. I have seen him in Robin!!! He rocked it as Guy of Gisborne. My type of baddie lol :)
